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G5 offers replica 1:1 Sneakers with high quality and low price,which makes many consumers love and follow it long time. It was been trying to share cool sneakers and trendy sneakers such as Air Jordan,Yeezy, Air Force and etc, provide higher quality sneaker but the lower price, and allowing more consumer enjoy the most cool kicks.
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Item Specifics:
Item No:FX9035
Release Date:03/14/2020
Yeezy adds another colorway of its most well-known design with the adidas Yeezy 350 Desert Sage. This 350 V2 dons similar hues as the Beluga colorways, only this time ditching a bright orange side stripe and adding a highlighted interior.
This Yeezy 350 V2 is composed of a desert sage Primeknit upper with a tonal side stripe. A translucent Boost cushioned sole and orange interior completes the design.
By c*** on 2021/6/11
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